Please do not schedule services until a confirmation has been received from a cemetery representative.

"*" indicates required fields

Tell Us About the Deceased

Interment of*
Funeral Home/Funeral Home Director Contact*

Burial Information

*available in limited areas
Lot Owner Name
Lot Owner Address

Next of Kin Information

Next of Kin Name*
Next of Kin Address

Service Information

“We had just had a huge snowstorm and I thought the cemetery was well cleaned for the funeral… This was no easy task.”

“Very high praise for Larry and all the ladies in the office! They were very nice when you walked in the office and sincere with their condolences.”

“The family and I appreciate how smoothly everything went, and the condition of the facilities. Courteous and professional personnel.”

“I have recommended Gethsemane to my neighbor. It appears to be well-managed, the manager Tim, capable, considerate and effective.”

“The men that were present the day of my father’s funeral were caring and very courteous. I feel it takes a special person to do this.”

“Every aspect was professional and everyone was very helpful. I cannot thank everyone enough for being so pleasant and accommodating.”